"Once You Were Wondrous" (Single)

Released Oct. 11, 2019

Kim Harris unveils “Once You Were Wondrous,” a powerful new track available to stream today on your platform of choice.

If her previous singles “Heirloom” and “Uproar” present a dichotomy of emotional spectrums – heavy-hearted and somber vs. effervescent and gracious – “Once You Were Wondrous” strikes a fine balance of the two. Soaring atop pulsing piano chords and a driving beat, the latest track the “mightiest voice coming out of the East Coast of Canada” (CBC Music) taps into her quintessentially rich, deep, and moving songwriting while also digging deeper on a spiritual crusade for inner reflection.

“In Once You Were Wondrous, I’m in conversation with myself. The verses are my corporeal self, who is realizing how much of her own electric current she has lost over time,” Harris explains. “The chorus is my higher self, in the ether, coming back into my life dramatically, to advise me. She reminds me that I am ‘mountain-hearted,’ and that I can ‘bend the light’ in an underwater dreamscape; all of that power has been in me, lying in wait. In the second verse, I ask for something more to keep me here in the world, physically and spiritually, and I mean it. Once You Were Wondrous is the internal dialogue of an intentional regeneration of spirit, a process I frequently circle back to.”

The anticipated new full-length album from Kim Harris is set to arrive in early 2020 via LHM Records. Ahead of its release, she performs a series of showcases at fall festivals in the Maritimes including Halifax Pop Explosion on October 23, and Nova Scotia Music Week on November 08.